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Automatically Select Checkout Option

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:40 pm
by ShuCh3n
I'm surprised that no one ask about this. I've an shipping option called "Cash on Delivery"
After choose this shipping option, proceed to the next step. Then you will choose how to pay for you order?

That doesn't make any sense right? You choose cash on delivery and still asking how to pay for it?!?

I've tried to custom the code with if statement in the PHP page but that failed, i think you will change in javascript.
Can someone help me with this?

Shippingmethod: Cash on Delivery
Checkoutmethod: Cash on Delivery No other option avalible

Shippingmethod: Standard Delivery
Checkoutmethod: Paypal
Moneyorder Payment method avalible

Shippingmethod: Pickup in Store
Checkoutmethod: Pickup in Store No other option avalible