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[Addon] Events Calender to a side panel

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:01 pm
by Snooper
** In replay to post -

Not everybody needs to point out to customers the date of the next big sale or event. But a few might have need. This is a simple but very effective text based Calander set up to fit snuggly into a side panel.

Making a side pannel first. You might use somthing like the following -

<div class="Block Moveable Panel Calender" id="Calender">
<br /><h2>Events Calender</h2>
<div class="BlockContent">

This should go into /templates/yourtemplate/panels/ saved as 'Calender.html' (as by example) or any name you wish.

Now the PHP script. This script is self contained so only requires itself to function. Place this into its own folder /calender at the root of your shop host and naming as index.php-

Code: Select all


// Use as it is or include it in a php page.
// If you're happy with the style of the calendar.
// You don't need to change anything.
// Else you can change the colours below.

// To add events, use this: index.php?act=add
// If you put the calendar in the sub directory "calendar".
// Use:

// Username and password for adding events.
// Change this.
$username = "user";
$password = "pass";

// Name of the month, in the language you want.
$january = 'Jan';
$february = 'Feb';
$march = 'Mar';
$april = 'Apr';
$may = 'May';
$june = 'Jun';
$july = 'Jul';
$august = 'Aug';
$september = 'Sep';
$october = 'Oct';
$november = 'Nov';
$december = 'Dec';

// Name of the days, in the language you want.
$monday = "m";
$tuesday = "t"; 
$wednesday = "w";
$thursday = "t";
$friday = "f";
$saturday = "s";
$sunday = "s";

// If you wish the calendar to start the week with Monday, leave this true.
// Else edit it to "false", to make the week start with Sunday.
$startwithmonday = true;

// Virtual path to event files.
// If the calendar is included in some other file, use this to point
// to the calendar directory from main file.
$path = "./";

// If you want to se weeknumber, else false.
$weeknumber = true;

// Width of the calander. 
$width = "50px";

// Color of the days in current month.
$numberBGColor = "#EEE";
$numberTextColor ="#000";

// Color of the days before and after current month.
$emptyBGColor = "#FFF";
$emptyTextColor ="#FFF";

// The color the "hover" day should change to.
$selBGColor = "#999";
$selTextColor = "#000";

// The colour for today.
$todayBGColor = "#FF9999";
$todayTextColor = "#FFFFFF";

// Colours for the month and day names.
$monthBGColor = "#FFFFFF";
$monthTextColor = "#A7D18D";
$daysBGColor = "#CCCCCC";
$weekBGColor = "#EEEEEE";

$background = "#FFFFFF";

// Colours to toggle between if more then one event.
$event1 = "#EEEEEE";
$event2 = "#CCCCCC";

// If you want space between the days comment out this.
//$spacing = "collapse";

// Start of actual code, no need to change 
if($startwithmonday) {
	$dayName = array($monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday,$sunday);
} else {
	$dayName = array($sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday);

$monthName = array($january, $february, $march, $april, $may, $june, $july, $august, $september, $october,
$november, $december);

	$act = $_GET['act'];
} else {
	$act = "";
	$date = $_GET['date'];
} else {
	$date = date("Y-m-d");

// CSS for the calender
echo "<STYLE type=\"text/css\">
.A {	
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			bold;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
	text-align: 			center;
	color:				$numberTextColor;


.sel {	
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			normal;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	text-align: 			center;
	vertical-align: 		middle; 
	cursor: 			default;
	color:				$selTextColor;
	background-color:		$selBGColor;
.event {
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			normal;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	cursor: 			default;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
	text-align: 			center;
	color:				$numberTextColor;
	background-color:		$numberBGColor;

.empty {
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			normal;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	cursor:				default;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
	text-align: 			center;
	color:				$emptyTextColor;
	background-color:		$emptyBGColor;
.today {
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			normal;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	cursor: 			default;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
	text-align: 			center;
	color:				$todayTextColor;
	background-color:		$todayBGColor;

if($act == "event") {

echo "table {
	width:				250px; 
	border-style: 			none;
	padding:			0px;
	margin:				0px;
	vertical-align: 		middle;

td {	
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size:        		10;
	font-weight:      		normal;
	font-style:       		normal;
	text-align: 			center;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
	padding:			2 2 2 2;
	text-align:			left;
	vertical-align: 		top;
	vertical-align: 		middle;
} else {
echo ".table {
	border-style: 			none;

 	border-collapse: 		$spacing;
	empty-cells: 			hide;

.td {	
	font-family: 			Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 			10px;
	font-style: 			normal;
	line-height: 			normal;
	font-weight: 			normal;
	font-variant: 			normal;
	text-transform: 		none;
	text-decoration: 		none;
	text-align: 			center;
	vertical-align: 		middle; 
echo "-->\n</STYLE>\n\n";
// End of CSS

// Function for creating the current month 
function createMonth($date) {
	global $startwithmonday;
	$date = split("\-", $date);
	$year = $date[0];
	$month = $date[1];
	// Dates
	$this_month_date = makeDate($year, $month, 1);
	$last_month_date = makeDate($year, $month - 1, 1);
	$next_month_date = makeDate($year, $month + 1, 1);
	// Numbers
	$this_month_first_day = trim(date("w", $this_month_date));
	$this_month_days = trim(date("t", $this_month_date));
	$last_month_days = trim(date("t", $last_month_date));
	$this_month_number = trim(date("n", $this_month_date));
	$last_month_number = trim(date("n", $last_month_date));
	$next_month_number = trim(date("n", $next_month_date));
	$this_month_year = trim(date("Y", $this_month_date));
	$last_month_year = trim(date("Y", $last_month_date));
	$next_month_year = trim(date("Y", $next_month_date));
	if($startwithmonday) {
		if($this_month_first_day == 0) {
			$this_month_first_day = 7;
	} else {
	// Förra
	for($I = 1; $I < $this_month_first_day; $I++) {
		$temp = $last_month_days - $this_month_first_day + $I + 1;
		$monthArray["$last_month_year-$last_month_number-$temp"] = array(0, "$last_month_year-$last_month_number-$temp");
	// Månad.
	for($I = 1; $I <= $this_month_days; $I++) {
		$monthArray["$this_month_year-$this_month_number-$I"] = array(1, "$this_month_year-$this_month_number-$I");
	// Nästa
	for($I = 1; $I <= 43 - $this_month_days - $this_month_first_day; $I++) {
		$monthArray["$next_month_year-$next_month_number-$I"] = array(0, "$next_month_year-$next_month_number-$I");
return $monthArray;	

// End of createMonth function

// Function for adding events to month 
function appendEvent($date, $monthArray) {
	global $path, $act;
	$date = split("\-", $date);
	$year = $date[0];
	$month = $date[1];

	$date = makeDate($year, $month, 1);
	$date = date("Y-m", $date);

	if($act == "event") {
		$fp = @fopen("$date.txt", "r");
	} else {
		$fp = @fopen("$path$date.txt", "r");
	if($fp) {
		while (!feof($fp))  { 
			$line = fgets($fp);
			if($line != "") {
				$data = split("\#", $line);
				$date = split("\|", $data[0]);
				$monthArray["$date[0]"][0] = 2;
				$monthArray["$date[0]"][1] = "$date[0]";
				$monthArray["$date[0]"][2][] = array("$date[1]", "$data[1]");
	return $monthArray;
// End of appendEvent function

// Function for adding the current day 
function addToday($date, $monthArray) {
	$date = split("\-", $date);
	$year = $date[0];
	$month = $date[1];
	$this_year = date("Y");
	$this_month = date("n");
	if($year == $this_year && $month == $this_month) {
		$monthArray[date("Y-n-j")][0] +=2;
	return $monthArray;
// End of appendEvent function

// Function for displaying the current month
function displayMonth($date, $monthArray) {
	global $path, $weekBGColor, $weeknumber, $width, $monthName, $dayName, $monthBGColor, $monthTextColor, $daysBGColor;

	$date = split("\-", $date);
	$year = $date[0];
	$month = $date[1];
	$this_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1,  $year);
	$last_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1,  $year);
	$next_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1,  $year);

	// Javascript for popup window
	echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
	function event(location){\"\",\"\",\"height=400,width=280, scrollbars=0, resizable=1, location=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0, status=0\")

echo "<TABLE class=\"table\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"$width\">\n<TR>\n";
echo "<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\" bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\" onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='td'\" >\n<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"?date=";
echo date("Y-m-j", $last_month);
echo "\">&laquo;</A>\n</TD>\n<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\"  bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\">\n";
echo $monthName[$month-1];
echo date(" Y", $this_month);
echo "\n</TD>\n<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\"  bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\" onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='td'\" >\n<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"?date=";
echo date("Y-m-j", $next_month);
echo "\">&raquo;</A>\n</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n";
echo "<TD class=\"td\" colspan=\"3\">\n	<TABLE class=\"table\" width=\"100%\">\n<TR>\n";

foreach ($dayName as $key) {
	echo "<TD class=\"td\"  bgcolor=\"$daysBGColor\">$key</TD>\n";
if($weeknumber) {
	echo "<TD class=\"td\"  bgcolor=\"$daysBGColor\">v.</TD>\n";

echo "</TR>\n\n<TR>\n";

	// Prints the days
	$day = 0;
	if($weeknumber) {
		$week = date("W", $this_month);
	foreach ($monthArray as $key) {
		$date = split("\-", $key[1]);
		if($key[0] == 0) {
		        echo "<TD class=\"empty\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
		} else if($key[0] == 1) {
			echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='event'\" class=\"event\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
		} else if($key[0] == 2) {
			echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='event'\" class=\"event\"><A class=\"A\" HREF=\"javascript:event('$path?act=event&date=" . $key[1] . "')\">$date[2]</A></TD>\n";
		} else if ($key[0] == 3) {
			echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='today'\" class=\"today\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
		} else if ($key[0] == 4) {
			echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='today'\" class=\"today\"><A class=\"A\" HREF=\"javascript:event('$path?act=event&date=" . $key[1] . "')\"><B>$date[2]</B></A></TD>\n";
	if($day >= 7) {
		if($weeknumber) {
			echo "<TD bgcolor=\"$weekBGColor\" class=\"event\">$week</TD>\n";
			if($week >= 53) {
				$week = 0;
		echo "</TR>\n<TR>\n";
		$day = 0;
echo "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";


// End of displayMonth function

// Function for diplay of an event
function displayEvent($date, $monthArray) {
	global $event1, $event2 , $monthName;
	$date = split("\-", $date);
	$year = $date[0];
	$month = $date[1];
	$day = $date[2];
	$event = $monthArray["$year-$month-$day"][2];

	echo "<TABLE>\n";
	echo "<TR>\n<TD bgcolor=\"$event2\"colspan=\"2\">\n";
	echo $day . " " . $monthName[$month-1] . ", " . $year;
	echo "\n</TD>\n</TR>\n\n";
	foreach ($event as $key) {
		echo "<TR>\n";
		echo "<TD width=\"90px\" bgcolor=\"$event1\">\n";
		$time = split("\-",$key[0]);
		echo "$time[0]";
		if($time[1] != ":") {
			echo "-$time[1]";
		echo "\n</TD>\n";
		echo "<TD bgcolor=\"$event1\" width=\"210px\">\n";
		echo $key[1];
		echo "\n<TD>\n</TR>\n\n";
	$temp = $event1;
	$event1 = $event2;
	$event2 = $temp;
	echo "</TABLE>\n";
// End of displayEvent function

// Function for adding event
function login() {
	global $username, $password;
	if (isset($_POST['calender_username']) && isset($_POST['calender_password'])) {
		if ($_POST['calender_username'] == $username && $_POST['calender_password'] == $password) {
			$_SESSION['calender_login'] = 1;
	if(isset($_SESSION['calender_login']) && $_SESSION['calender_login'] == 1) {

<form action='./?act=addEvent' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' name='login'>
  <table width="200" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <select name="calender_year">
        <option value="2010">2010</option>
        <option value="2011">2011</option>
        <option value="2012">2012</option>
        <option value="2013">2013</option>

        <select name="calender_month">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
        <option value="4">4</option>

        <option value="5">5</option>
        <option value="6">6</option>
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="8">8</option>
        <option value="9">9</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>

        <option value="11">11</option>
        <option value="12">12</option>
      </select> </td></tr><tr>
        <select name="calender_day">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>

        <option value="3">3</option>
        <option value="4">4</option>
        <option value="5">5</option>
        <option value="6">6</option>
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="8">8</option>

        <option value="9">9</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="11">11</option>
        <option value="12">12</option>
        <option value="13">13</option>
        <option value="14">14</option>

        <option value="15">15</option>
        <option value="16">16</option>
        <option value="17">17</option>
        <option value="18">18</option>
        <option value="19">19</option>
        <option value="20">20</option>

        <option value="21">21</option>
        <option value="22">22</option>
        <option value="23">23</option>
        <option value="24">24</option>
        <option value="25">25</option>
        <option value="26">26</option>

        <option value="27">27</option>
        <option value="28">28</option>
        <option value="29">29</option>
        <option value="30">30</option>
        <option value="31">31</option>
      </select> </td>

        <input name='calender_shour' type='text' value='' size='2' maxlength='2' />
<input name='calender_sminut' type='text' value='' size='2' maxlength='2' />

        <input name='calender_ehour' type='text' value='' size='2' maxlength='2' />
<input name='calender_eminut' type='text' value='' size='2' maxlength='2' />

    <td colspan="3">
	<textarea name="calender_event" cols="20" rows="3"></textarea>
    <td><a class="A" href="javascript:document.login.submit()">Submit</a></td>
    <td colspan="2"><a class="A" href="javascript:document.login.reset()">Reset</A></td>


		} else {

	<form action='./?act=add' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' name='login'>
	Username:<BR />
	<input name='calender_username' type='text' 
	value='' size='13' maxlength='20' /><BR />
	Password:<BR />
	<input name='calender_password' type='password' value='' 
	size='13' maxlength='20' /><BR />
	<a class="A" href="javascript:document.login.submit()">Login</a>
	<a class="A" href="javascript:document.login.reset()">Reset</A>
	<?php }

// End of login function

// Function for adding event
function addEvent() {
	if(isset($_POST['calender_year']) && isset($_POST['calender_month']) &&isset($_POST['calender_day'])) {

		$year = $_POST['calender_year'];
		$month = $_POST['calender_month'];
		$day = $_POST['calender_day'];
		$date = "$year-$month-$day";
		$eventArray = array();
		$eventArray = appendEvent($date, $eventArray);
		$shour = $_POST['calender_shour'];
		$sminut = $_POST['calender_sminut'];
		$ehour = $_POST['calender_ehour'];
		$eminut = $_POST['calender_eminut'];
		$event = $_POST['calender_event'];
		$eventArray["$year-$month-$day"][0] = 2;
		$eventArray["$year-$month-$day"][1] = "$year-$month-$day";
		$eventArray["$year-$month-$day"][2][] = array("$shour:$sminut-$ehour:$eminut", $event);
		echo "Event added!<BR/>";
		echo "<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"./?act=add\">Add new</A>  ";
		echo "<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"./\">Return to calender</A>";
		return $eventArray;
// End of addEvent function

// Function for saving events
function saveEvents($eventArray) {
	global $path;
		$year = $_POST['calender_year'];
		$month = $_POST['calender_month'];
		$day = $_POST['calender_day'];
		$date = makeDate($year, $month, 1);
		$date = date("Y-m", $date);
		foreach ($eventArray as $day) {
			foreach($day[2] as $key) {
			$data[] = trim("$day[1]|$key[0]#$key[1]");
		$fp = fopen("$path$date.txt","w");
			if($fp) {
				foreach($data as $key) {
					fwrite($fp, $key . "\n");
// End of saveEvents function

// Function for creating a date
function makeDate($year, $month, $day) {
	return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day,  $year);

// End of makeDate function

// Switch for action
switch($act) {

	case "":
		$monthArray = createMonth($date);
		$monthArray = appendEvent($date, $monthArray);
		$monthArray = addToday($date, $monthArray);
		displayMonth($date, $monthArray);
	case "add":
	case "addEvent":
		$eventArray = addEvent();
	case "event":
		$monthArray = createMonth($date);
		$monthArray = appendEvent($date, $monthArray);
		displayEvent($date, $monthArray);
		$monthArray = createMonth($date);
		$monthArray = appendEvent($date, $monthArray);
		$monthArray = addToday($date, $monthArray);
		displayMonth($date, $monthArray);
You may need to 'point' the script to the correct folder location where the PHP script is held and used. Look for this line and alter where required - $path = "./"; Test the script as it is before you give this a try.

The Panel call script to see this addon active is something like - %%Include.%%GLOBAL_ShopPath%%/calender/index.php%%

When run you will (should) see the following (actual size) -


To add an event, you goto admin (see top of code for intructions) -


Now if anybody clicks a Calander date and a small poop up will appear. This will contain what ever was written to that date via admin.. !!

Working example see here -

Re: Adding an events Calander to a side panel

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:34 pm
by CharlieFoxtrot
Snooper wrote:... date and a small poop up will appear.

That doesn't sound too pleasant. :lol:

Re: Adding an events Calander to a side panel

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:22 pm
by Snooper
Ahh… you have to admire a good poop !! :lol:

Re: Adding an events Calander to a side panel

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:01 pm
by meules

i really can't get this to work. What I've done:

- created a panel "Calendar"
in this panel I've got

Code: Select all

<div class="Block Moveable Panel Calendar" id="Calendar">
<h2>Beurs Kalender</h2>
<div class="BlockContent">
- I've uploaded the code of yours (Calendar.php) to /includes/display folder.

I only get a blank page. I obviously do something wrong :?

Re: [Addon] Events Calender to a side panel

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:37 pm
by Snooper
Hi Meules

I suspect that the locations of elements used are in the wrong place.

PHP script into a folder from root of shop host /calender
Panel html script in your template/panel folder

And the %%Include call something like - %%Include.%%GLOBAL_ShopPath%%/calender/index.php%%

To see working example on my test site-

Re: [Addon] Events Calender to a side panel

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:09 pm
by meules

What about the events pop-up? That doesn't seems to work. I can add an event, but I can't move forward and backward throughout the months nor is there a pop-up. I tested your site but there's the same problem.

Any suggestions?