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[TIP] JQuery after login

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:25 pm
by Martin
Just a quick tip to anyone else who may be looking at a system that uses the ISC login/session management to provide protected/customer only content.

I put together a QuickFind tool on my store which queries the ISC sessions to see if they are logged in before it responds to a request for protected data/files.

It's all done using JQuery, and some ajax calls but part of my problem was that it was being a bit odd at what were seemingly random times and returning errors that made no sense... It only came together when I noticed that IE8 was reporting a permission denied error for my jQuery include call. This sat in my unconscious for about a week before it suddenly dawned on me that IE8 gives that blasted "do you want insecure content" message when you visit some pages and lo' my Jquery include was calling up an insecure http (instead of https) link.

I'm still working through the bit where it's still not loading jquery properly BUT just as a nugget your code will fail any jquery calls if you have just logged in because the store doesn't drop you to http:// after you've logged in...

I'm looking for an htaccess mod_rewrite rule that will do what I need but figured I'd share as this drove me barmy for the last week...

.. and no, I'm not going to translate that for the non-techs amongst you ;)