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[Request] Re-send Invoice from Admin system

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:08 pm
by Martin
This is probably something that someone has already got a bit of an idea how to do so I'm throwing this one open in the hope that someone has the time to figure it out and provide the mod (I'll contribute btw)...

It seems there's a function in /lib/orders.php

Code: Select all

function EmailInvoiceToCustomer($orderId, $newStatusId=null)
... that could be used by the admin interface to send out a new copy of an order invoice.

I figure it would be relatively simple to add a new "action" to the Admin -> Orders page so that this function could be triggered but I have no time to find the all important bits of code to add that to the list of "Edit order, Print Invoice, etc... "

Any takers?

Re: [Request] Re-send Invoice from Admin system

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:16 am
by usaccess608
this feature would be fantastic. id someone can create this mod for us....